In a Bind!
In a Bind!
Tutor: Marion Haslam
Thurs 10 April 7.00-9.30pm
Level: All levels. Students must know how to use a sewing machine before signing up for this course.
A well bound quilt is a very satisfying thing! Have you a mountain of quilt projects needing finishing, because you dislike/get confused by the quilt binding process? Do you fudge your binding and then want to swear? If so, sign up for this bite-size workshop and Marion will convert you to the joys of binding! She loves to bind and while she won’t offer to finish your quilt for you, she’ll show you how to finish your quilt with a really professional finish. Plus she’ll also give ideas for labelling your work. Machine and hand sewing involved.
Equipment and material needed for the classes:
Sewing machine. Make sure beforehand that it works and remember the foot pedal, a straight sewing or ¼in foot, spare bobbin, instruction booklet etc.
Basic sewing kit containing sharp fabric scissors, pencil and a stitch ripper.
Quilters clips and/or pins
Cotton thread to coordinate with your project binding (see below) or a neutral colour such as grey or cream.
Note if you want to bring along a quilted project (ie. one that’s ready to bind), that’s great. You can choose binding fabric at the class if necessary. If you’ve nothing ready, that’s fine too, as you can work on a mini quilt sample and binding that we’ll provide as part of your class fee.
If there is anything you need to buy, you can purchase during the evening. All students receive Loyalty Card stamps on qualifying purchases.
Refreshments are provided.
If you have any questions, please phone us on 01634 838880 before booking. Please note we do not send out reminders before a workshop as all the information you need is here. For shop location and parking, please look at the Visit Us page.